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Jumat, 16 Januari 2015

Hard Disk (English Article)

A hard disk drive (HDD) is a data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information using rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material. An HDD retains its data even when powered off. Data is read in a random-access manner, meaning individual blocks of data can be stored or retrieved in any order rather than sequentially. An HDD consists of one or more rigid ("hard") rapidly rotating disks (platters) with magnetic heads arranged on a moving actuator arm to read and write data to the surfaces.

Introduced by IBM in 1956, HDDs became the dominant secondary storage device for general-purpose computers by the early 1960s. Continuously improved, HDDs have maintained this position into the modern era of servers and personal computers. More than 200 companies have produced HDD units, though most current units are manufactured by Seagate, Toshiba and Western Digital. Worldwide disk storage revenues were US $32 billion in 2013, down 3% from 2012.

The primary characteristics of an HDD are its capacity and performance. Capacity is specified in unit prefixes corresponding to powers of 1000: a 1-terabyte (TB) drive has a capacity of 1,000 gigabytes (GB; where 1 gigabyte = 1 billion bytes). Typically, some of an HDD's capacity is unavailable to the user because it is used by the file system and the computer operating system, and possibly inbuilt redundancy for error correction and recovery. Performance is specified by the time required to move the heads to a track or cylinder (average access time) plus the time it takes for the desired sector to move under the head (average latency, which is a function of the physical rotational speed in revolutions per minute), and finally the speed at which the data is transmitted (data rate).

The two most common form factors for modern HDDs are 3.5-inch in desktop computers and 2.5-inch in laptops. HDDs are connected to systems by standard interface cables such as SATA (Serial ATA), USB or SAS (Serial attached SCSI) cables.

As of 2015, the primary competing technology for secondary storage is flash memory in the form of solid-state drives (SSDs). HDDs are the dominant medium for secondary storage due to advantages in price per unit of storage and recording capacity. However, SSDs are replacing HDDs where speed, power consumption and durability are more important considerations.

HDDs were introduced in 1956 as data storage for an IBM real-time transaction processing computer and were developed for use with general-purpose mainframe and minicomputers. The first IBM drive, the 350 RAMAC, was approximately the size of two refrigerators and stored 5 million 6-bit characters (3.75 megabytes) on a stack of 50 disks.

In 1962 IBM introduced the model 1311 disk drive, which was about the size of a washing machine and stored two million characters on a removable disk pack. Users could buy additional packs and interchange them as needed, much like reels of magnetic tape. Later models of removable pack drives, from IBM and others, became the norm in most computer installations and reached capacities of 300 megabytes by the early 1980s. Non-removable HDDs were called "fixed disk" drives.
Some high performance HDDs were manufactured with one head per track, e.g., IBM 2305 so that no time was lost physically moving the heads to a track. Known as Fixed-Head or Head-Per-Track disk drives they were very expensive and are no longer in production.

In 1973, IBM introduced a new type of HDD codenamed "Winchester". Its primary distinguishing feature was that the disk heads were not withdrawn completely from the stack of disk platters when the drive was powered down. Instead, the heads were allowed to "land" on a special area of the disk surface upon spin-down, "taking off" again when the disk was later powered on. This greatly reduced the cost of the head actuator mechanism, but precluded removing just the disks from the drive as was done with the disk packs of the day. Instead, the first models of "Winchester technology" drives featured a removable disk module, which included both the disk pack and the head assembly, leaving the actuator motor in the drive upon removal. Later "Winchester" drives abandoned the removable media concept and returned to non-removable platters.

Like the first removable pack drive, the first "Winchester" drives used platters 14 inches (360 mm) in diameter. A few years later, designers were exploring the possibility that physically smaller platters might offer advantages. Drives with non-removable eight-inch platters appeared, and then drives that used a 5 14 in (130 mm) form factor (a mounting width equivalent to that used by contemporary floppy disk drives). The latter were primarily intended for the then-fledgling personal computer (PC) market.

As the 1980s began, HDDs were a rare and very expensive additional feature in PCs, but by the late 1980s their cost had been reduced to the point where they were standard on all but the cheapest computers.

Most HDDs in the early 1980s were sold to PC end users as an external, add-on subsystem. The subsystem was not sold under the drive manufacturer's name but under the subsystem manufacturer's name such as Corvus Systems and Tallgrass Technologies, or under the PC system manufacturer's name such as the Apple ProFile. The IBM PC/XT in 1983 included an internal 10 MB HDD, and soon thereafter internal HDDs proliferated on personal computers.
External HDDs remained popular for much longer on the Apple Macintosh. Every Mac made between 1986 and 1998 has a SCSI port on the back, making external expansion easy; also, "toaster" Compact Macs did not have easily accessible HDD bays (or, in the case of the Mac Plus, any hard drive bay at all), so on those models, external SCSI disks were the only reasonable option.

The 2011 Thailand floods damaged manufacturing plants, and impacted hard disk drive cost adversely in 2011-2013.

Driven by ever increasing areal density since their invention, HDDs have continuously improved their characteristics; a few highlights are listed in the table above. At the same time, market application expanded from mainframe computers of the late 1950s to most mass storage applications including computers and consumer applications such as storage of entertainment content.

Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

Keyboard Sebagai Perangkat Input

Hai sahabat Binggo!! Kali ini saya akan mengepost salah satu perangkat masukan atau input device pada komputer yakni Keyboard.

Pengertian perangkat masukan atau input device itu sendiri adalah unit yang berfungsi sebagai media untuk memasukkan data dari luar kedalam suatu memori dan processor untuk diolah guna menghasilkan informasi yang diperlukan. Input devices yang umumnya digunakan personal computer (PC) 

Baik langsung saja ke topik utama tentang keyboard. Keyboard adalah sebuah papan yang terdiri dari tombol huruf, angka dan simbol. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, keyboard disebut juga papan tombol jari atau papan tuts.
Keyboard dapat berfungsi memasukkan huruf, angka, karakter khusus, serta sebagai media bagi user (pengguna) untuk melakukan perintah-perintah lainnya yang diperlukan, seperti menyimpan file, membuka file, dan perintah lainnya.
Pembagian Tombol Pada Keyboard :
Sebuah Keyboard pada umumnya memiliki bagian-bagian tombol sebagai berikut:
  1. Tombol Alphanumeric (Typewriter keys/Typing keys) : tombol yang terdiri dari tombol angka, huruf, dan simbol. Tombol biasanya terdiri dari 2 karakter, dimana karakter akan muncul jika kita menekan tombol tersebut dan karakter satunya akan muncul jika kita menekan tombol sambil menahan tombol Shift.
  2. Tombol Numeric (Numeric Keypad) : Tombol angka yang berada dibagian kanan keyboard. Pada Komputer Laptop/netbook, tombol ini menyatu dengan tombol alphanumeric.
  3. Tombol Fungsi (Function Keys) : Tombol yang berada dibagian Atas terdiri dari tombol F1 - F12.
  4. Tombol Navigator (Control Keys) : tombol panah (arah) dll. berfungsi untuk memindahkan kursor.
  5. Tombol Khusus (Special Command Key) : Tombol Windows, klik kanan, dll.

Penjelasan penggunaan umum tombol fungsi:

  • F1, untuk memunculkan/menampilkan bantuan pada program yang sedang aktif.
  • F2, untuk mengganti nama sebuah file / item.
  • F3, untuk mencari File atau Folder.
  • F4, untuk membuka Address Bar List pada My Computer, Windows Explorer, dan Internet Explorer.
  • F5, untuk me-refresh windows yang sedang aktif.
  • F6, untuk pindah ke elemen layar berikutnya pada sebuah program atau pada desktop.
  • F10, untuk mengaktifkan menu bar program yang sedang berjalan.
  • Alt+F4, untuk menutup program yang sedang aktif (bisa juga men-shot down).
  • Ctrl+F4, untuk menutup dokumen yang sedang aktif.
  • Shift+F10, untuk membuka menu jalan pintas (shortcut menu) pada program yang sedang aktif / fungsinya sama seperti klik kanan pada Mouse.
Tombol tersebut tentunya akan berebeda fungsinya pada setiap program aplikasi. misalnya tombol F5 pada aplikasi powerpoint, fungsinya adalah untuk menampilkan Slide Show.

Penjelasan selanjutnya mengenai fungsi dari tombol khusus: (silahkan terjemahkan sendiri)

Interface (Antar muka) pada Keyboard:
1. Keyboard Serial 

2. Keyboard PS/2

3. Keyboard USB (Universal Serial Bus)

4. Keyboard Wireless (tanpa kabel), biasanya memerlukan device tambahan (wireless) berbentuk usb flashdisk.

On Screen Keyboard:
Untuk memunculkannnya, Klik Start, All Programs, Accessories, Easy Of Access, On Screen Keyboard.

Cara Kerja Keyboard

Sebuah keyboard seperti miniatur komputer. Keyboard mempunyai prosesor sendiri dan rangkaian sirkuit yang membawa informasi menuju dan dari prosesor tersebut. Bagian terbesar dari rangkaian keyboard berupa “key matrix”.

Key matrix” adalah sebuah kisi rangkaian dibawah tombol-tombol keyboard. Di dalam keyboard, tiap rangkaiannya terputus (seperti saklar) pada titik dibawah tiap tombol. Ketika kita menekan sebuah tombol, tombol tersebut menekan sebuah saklar, menjadikan rangkaian tersambung dan mengalirkan arus listrik melaluinya. Jika kita menekan lama pada tombol, prosesor mengenalinya sama dengan menekan tombol tersebut berulang-ulang..

Ketika prosesor menemukan rangkaian tertutup (tersambung karena adanya penekanan tombol), maka prosesor akan membandingkan lokasi yang rangkaian tertutup tersebut dengan peta karakter yang tersimpan dalam ROM (read only memory) keyboard.

Peta karakter pada dasarnya adalah tabel daftar karakter yaitu daftar posisi tiap-tiap tombol atau kombinasi tombol beserta karakter yang direpresentasikannya.

Sebagai contoh, peta karakter memberitahu prosesor bahwa menekan tombol “a” sendirian menghasilkan huruf kecil “a”, tetapi tombol Shift bersama tombol “a” bersama-sama akan menghasilkan huruf kapital.

Macam-macam Keyboard

Jenis Jenis Keyboard Komputer Secara Bentuk dan Tombol
Keyboard QWERTY : ditemukan oleh Scholes, Glidden dan Soule pada tahun 1878, dan fungsi keyboard QWERTY ini digunakan sebagai standar mesin tik komersial pada tahun 1905.
Keyboard DVORAK : ditemukan pada tahun 1932 dengan dirancang lebih efisien 10-15 % dibanding keyboard QWERTYKeyboard KLOCKENBERG : Keyboard ini dibuat dengan maksud menyempurnakan jenis keyboard yang sudah ada, yaitu dengan memisahkan kedua bagian keyboard (bagian kiri dan kanan).
Keyboard Maltron : keyboard ini dibuat agak cekung ke dalam. Dengan pertimbangan bahwa pada saat jari-jari diposisikan akan mengetik, maka jari-jari itu dijamin tidak akan membentuk satu garis lurus

Keyboard Chord : Keyboard ini hanya mempunyai beberapa tombol antara 4 sampai 5.
Untuk memasukkan suatu huruf harus menekan beberapa tombol secara bersamaan. Ukurannya kompak, sangat cocok untuk aplikasi yang portabel
Keyboard Alphabetik : keyboard alphabetik disusun persis seperti pada tata letak QWERTY maupun Dvorak, tetapi susunan hurufnya berurutan seperti pada urutan alphabet
Keyboard Numeric : Keyboad ini bertujuan untuk memasukkan bilangan dalam jumlah yang besar